In Awe

I find myself in place of constant pondering about who God is and how that effects me.

Last week, I got in a van at 5:45 to go watch the sunrise at the beach.  I didn’t bring a swimsuit, but I did bring my Bible.  For a little bit, I sat in awe of a sunrise and read Psalm 8.  One of the verses in that psalm says, “When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?”  That verse pretty accurately describes the sunrise.  Are you an artist?  Do you use canvas?  God’s canvas is the sky, and he paints sunrises, sunsets, and starry nights.  You’re artwork is only a reflection of his original creation.

Can you honestly watch the sun rise and tell me in that moment that you believe there is no God?
Can you honestly watch the sun rise and tell me in that moment that you believe there is no God?

Thursday, we went to a beach.  My arm is still in a sling, so I didn’t swim.  Instead, I sat on a rock near the sea, shaded by an overhanging rock.  I took out my Bible and in the back of it, I sketched the tree beside me.  The tree I sketched doesn’t look bad, but it can’t compare to the real thing that was in front of me that God created.  His original is more creative and intricate than my sketch.

Taking a break from drawing for a photo op with Kelly.
Taking a break from drawing for a photo op with Kelley.

My conclusion: I am nothing apart from God, but for some unfathomable reason, he chooses to value me more than I could ever deserve to be valued.  I am a wanderer walking among the population of Greece, one gazer of sunrises that many see, and tiny in a vast universe.  Yet, God, the one who made Greece, sunrises, and the universe, sees me.  God who sustains the universe cares for me. That leaves me in awe and gratitude that he would consider me at all.  I deserve nothing, but He’s given me much and redeemed my life by His blood.  That is a beautiful thing, and I cannot comprehend why the God of the universe would do that for me.

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